File Check-Ups

We all know how important health check-ups are for our overall physical health. Well, do you know that your computerized financial records could benefit from a periodic check-up as well? To answer, YES they can ... and especially if you are a small business owner and keep your own financial records using a QuickBooks software product.
One of my most sought-after services is providing a thorough financial file check-up which covers these areas important to your overall financial record health.
Have additional questions? If so, then please set up a free initial phone consultation at this link.

File Check-Up
I conduct a Thorough File Check-Up to Identify / Point out:
Set-Up Issues (deep dive into Chart of Accounts / Items Lists to diagnose set-up problems)
Balances Issues (look for unusual balances, unexplained accounts, uncategorized income / expense)
Improper workflow issues (negative inventory, unapplied payments to bills / invoices, undeposited funds not applied to deposits correctly)
*Health of Data File
(check of file size, list sizes vs. limits, File fragments) *Desktop only
I Provide Feedback on issues discovered via virtual tour using Zoom (I can provide you with a video recording if you want it)